water treatment

Yass water treatment plant upgrade

Project overview

Drinking water quality for the Yass community has been a concern for decades. This has resulted in health concerns for residents and boil water alerts. A survey in 2024 by the Yass Regional Council found that around 85% of residents have not been drinking the tap water and seek other options. This results in social and economic costs to the community.

This project will address the drinking water quality issues by adding infrastructure to the existing Yass water treatment plant. It will add new water treatment infrastructure to help improve the process.

Birdsville Water Security

Project overview

The project will invest in new infrastructure to provide a safe and reliable water supply to the community of Birdsville. It will also support the tourism industry, which is a major contributor to the regional economy.

The community source their water supply from the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) through deep artesian bores. Water from the GAB is naturally superheated (greater that 100 degrees Celsius) and needs to be cooled before it can be used.

Water Security and Quality for Guilderton

Project overview

This project is an immediate solution to reduce nitrate levels in Guilderton’s drinking water supply. The nitrate levels in the existing supply are approaching Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) limits for infant health. This project will blend water from the Guilderton scheme and Sovereign Hill scheme to reduce the water quality risk in the Guilderton scheme.

The key project works include:

Far West Water Treatment Plants

Project overview

This project will improve water quality and reliability in the Central Darling Shire.

The project will construct:

  • three water treatment plants near the towns of Wilcannia, Ivanhoe and White Cliffs
  • a reticulation system, drinking water reservoir and better storage reservoir in White Cliffs.

The project will provide benefits, including:

Quality water for Wannon

Project overview

The Quality Water for Wannon project will build new water treatment infrastructure to improve the water quality in the Victorian towns of Portland, Heywood and Port Fairy.

New water treatment infrastructure will reduce the high salt and mineral content to acceptable levels from the Dilwyn Aquifer groundwater supply.

New infrastructure will consist of three reverse osmosis treatment and fluoridation plants.

The project will improve the water quality to support increased consumption.

Wyangala Water Treatment Plant and Dam Wall Raising Detailed Business Case

Project overview

Construction of a new Wyangala water treatment plant to deliver cleaner, safer drinking water for residents of Wyangala village and the popular Wyangala Dam holiday park.

The treatment plant will deliver up to 800 megalitres of clean drinking water every day.

This was priority infrastructure as the current infrastructure was no longer fit for purpose and unable to supply residents with water that meets the Australian Drinking Water Standards.

Cairns Water Security Stage 1

Project overview

The Cairns Water Security Stage 1 project provides an additional water source for Cairns in far north Queensland.

The project will deliver:

  • a new water treatment plant
  • water reservoirs
  • distribution network

This will provide a modern, integrated and long-term water security solution to service Cairns now and into the future.

The project will deliver a new drinking water supply to the region by enhancing existing supplies from Copperlode Falls Dam, Behana Creek and smaller rural intakes across the region.