The project is funded by the Australian Government ($18.07 million) and New South Wales Government ($18.07 million). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

This project will address the drinking water quality issues by adding infrastructure to the existing Yass water treatment plant.
Project overview
Drinking water quality for the Yass community has been a concern for decades. This has resulted in health concerns for residents and boil water alerts. A survey in 2024 by the Yass Regional Council found that around 85% of residents have not been drinking the tap water and seek other options. This results in social and economic costs to the community.
This project will address the drinking water quality issues by adding infrastructure to the existing Yass water treatment plant. It will add new water treatment infrastructure to help improve the process.
The project includes:
- a clear water tank (1.2 megalitres)
- a pump station
- a disinfection unit
- new and updated water networks
- supporting technologies and systems.
As part of the project, repairs will also be undertaken to clear water reservoirs, an existing tank and other existing infrastructure.
When complete, the project will improve the quality and reliability of the water supply to the Yass region.
The project is expected to be completed by late 2027.