The project is jointly funded by the Australian Government ($3,390,000 million) and Water Corporation ($3,390,000 million). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

Bore 3-69, the good water quality bore for the Guilderton scheme with the chlorine dosing building in the background. Photo source: Water Corporation.
Project overview
This project is an immediate solution to reduce nitrate levels in Guilderton’s drinking water supply. The nitrate levels in the existing supply are approaching Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) limits for infant health. This project will blend water from the Guilderton scheme and Sovereign Hill scheme to reduce the water quality risk in the Guilderton scheme.
The key project works include:
- a 7.4 km pipeline
- upgrades to chlorinator and treatment systems to assist with increased capacity
- installation of a nitrate analyser at the Sovereign Hill scheme.
This project will deliver significant health benefits to the Guilderton local community and its visitors by keeping nitrate levels within infant health guidelines.
Guilderton is a small coastal holiday town less than 100 km north of Perth.
Key project benefits
Learn more
- Read more about water in Australia.
- Find out about the National Water Grid Fund as our primary program for responsible investment in water projects.