The assessment is being jointly funded by the Australian Government ($1.5 million) and Queensland Government ($3 million). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

The assessment will look at water security options for the Southern and Darling Downs region, including Stanthorpe.
Project overview
This project will see the Australian Government provide funding towards the Queensland Government’s review of the Southern and Darling Downs Regional Water Assessment. The project will include Emu Swamp Dam and Pipeline in the review of options.
Emu Swamp Dam and Pipeline will be compared against alternative water security options for the Southern and Darling Downs region, including Stanthorpe.
This funding confirms the Australian Government's commitment to water security and responsible investment for the region.
Learn more
- Learn more about strategic planning in Queensland.
- Find out about the National Water Grid Fund.
- Explore the projects we are funding across Australia.