Projects under Strategic Planning Queensland are funded by the Australian Government ($11.5 million) and the Queensland Government ($3 million). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

Strategic Planning in Queensland will look at how further funding could support water requirements in regions such as the Burdekin.
Project overview
A number of projects are supporting strategic planning in Queensland. These projects aim to understand:
- Queensland’s water availability and requirements, and identifying gaps to be filled
- potential sources of water supply and catchments to maximise benefits, increase the effective use of existing infrastructure and minimise costs
- where water infrastructure could benefit Queensland communities.
Once complete, the assessments will set out how existing infrastructure, new infrastructure and non-infrastructure solutions can be used to maximise water supply in each area and drive economic growth.
Assessments funded through the Strategic Planning Queensland project include:
- Burdekin Regional Water Assessment
- Southern and Darling Downs Regional Water Assessment.
- Central Queensland Regional Water Assessment.
Funding of these projects confirms the Australian Government commitment to water security and responsible investment for regions in Queensland.
Learn more
- Find out about the National Water Grid Fund.
- For project success stories and milestones read our latest news.
- Read about water in Australia.