The project is jointly funded by the Australian Government ($3,733,271) and Coliban Water ($1,985,720). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

Aerial view over the Upper Coliban Reservoir Dam wall, including inlet tower of Coliban Dam.
Project overview
The detailed business case project will investigate options to make the region's ageing rural water distribution network more efficient.
The existing network is highly inefficient with significant levels of water loss through a series of open, unlined earthen or concrete channels. The preliminary business case identified that up to 6.8GL of water could be recovered through an efficiency and modernisation project. This detailed business case will further assess these options.
The detailed business case will:
- analyse current water losses
- evaluate preferred options
- identify potential beneficiaries for water recovered.
If built, a modernised distribution network could:
- Improve the efficiency of the existing system, improving water services for up to 1,366 rural customers.
- Increase water availability for new outcomes which may include water for regional communities, the environment, cultural use, or economic development.
- Support the expansion of agriculture and primary industries that are currently constrained by the availability, reliability and quality of water.
The business case is expected to be completed in 2025.
Learn more
- Read about the Coliban Regional Rural Modernisation Preliminary Business Case undertaken.
- Learn more about the National Water Grid Fund as our primary program for responsible investment in water projects.
- Visit the Coliban Water project page.