WA map Collie to coast.
Distribution and storage improvements
South west and Peel regions
Estimated cost
$2.6 million
Project status

The project was being funded by the Australian Government ($800,000), the Western Australian Government and other partners ($1.8 million). Australian Government funding was provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

The project would include the construction of a 20 GL capacity Wellington Dam (pictured) desalination plant.

The project would include the construction of a new 20 GL capacity Wellington Dam (pictured) desalination plant.

Project overview

The Wellington Dam is one of the most significant surface water storages in the South West and Peel region of WA. However, water from the dam can only be used for limited purposes because of high salinity. This is a result of historical land clearing in the catchment, combined with reduced rainfall and stream flows.

In addition, the current water distribution network is old and inefficient. The existing open channel network results in significant water losses across the system.

The detailed business case investigated water infrastructure options to support agricultural expansion in south-west Western Australia. This would ensure the region’s limited water resources can be used effectively. This would deliver a regional water supply that would be:

  • reliable
  • resilient
  • environmentally sustainable.

These options included:

  • a desalination plant
  • replacing open channels with pipes
  • two new bore fields
  • distribution infrastructure to connect several water sources, including the Wellington Dam, to new customers.

The business case also investigated:

  • phasing for construction and costings
  • opportunities to deliver the project sustainably.

The detailed business case was completed in November 2024.

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