Tasmania map.
Research and planning
Estimated cost
Project status

This project was jointly funded by the Australian Government ($70,000) and the Tasmanian Government ($90,000). Australian Government funding was provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

Scientific equipment being used in Georges Bay in Tasmania.

This project will review Tasmania’s current water use. Credit: Department of Environment, photographer Dragi Markovic.

Project overview

Water management in Tasmania is becoming more complex. Many of Tasmania’s catchments are reaching full water use allocation. The pressures on water resources are increasing. More accurate data is needed on water use and up to date policy settings. This will ensure water resources continue to be managed sustainably and equitably.

This project reviewed Tasmania’s current water use. This includes accountability, metering and reporting requirements and possible solutions. The assessment will support water policy and management decisions.

Goals of the assessment

This project considered contemporary policy settings for water use in Tasmania. The analysis will support water managers to make informed policy and management decisions for a water secure and sustainable future.

This project:

  • Delivered strategic engagement workshops with key stakeholders. The workshops identified issues and desired outcomes for water accounting and accountability in Tasmania.
  • Delivered a diagnostic review of Tasmania’s current water use accountability, metering and reporting requirements. It also reviewed possible ways to address identified issues.
  • Provided a final evaluation and recommendations for changes to policy and management decisions. These include water use accountability, metering and reporting.

Key project benefits

Local community
Water efficiency
Water security