WA map.
Distribution and storage improvements
$54.4 million
Project status

The Western Australia Connections package was jointly funded by the Australian Government ($20 million), the Western Australian Government and other partners ($26.3 million). Australian Government funding was provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

Large body of water with gumtrees lining the bank.

Project overview

The Western Australia Connections package includes a range of infrastructure projects including:

  • upgrades to increase water storage capacity
  • new water recycling systems
  • replacing existing pipelines.

These projects have improved water security for regional Australia, including farming communities.

Western Australia water infrastructure projects under the Connections pathway include:

  • Cave Springs Road Tail Water Return System
    • Construction of 2 water recycling systems in the Ord River Irrigation Area, resulting in 2,400 megalitres (ML) of water savings each year. 
  • Agricultural Area Dams and Strategic Community Water Supplies
    • Increased storage capacity of dams in priority areas. This has provided more reliable agricultural and emergency livestock drinking water sources 
  • Katanning to Kojonup Pipeline Enhancement
    • Replacement of existing pipeline at several sections between Katanning and Kojonup. This has increased water reliability and supply to farms in the region. 
  • Jerramungup Dam Catchment Improvement
    • Resealing and relining catchments. This has increased runoff and water storage in the dams. It has provided greater reliability to almost all water users in the region.
  • Gascoyne Irrigation Scheme Augmentation and Modernisation
    • This project has constructed more bores and upgraded irrigation systems. This has increased water availability for horticultural production in the region.
  • Community Water Supplies Partnership Program with Local Government
    • Delivered 76 water infrastructure projects across 38 local government areas. The projects constructed new and improved non-potable water supplies in priority areas.
  • Ravensthorpe Dam Catchment Extension
    • Installation of 3 floating HexaCovers at 3 separate dams. This has reduced evaporation and provided more water for several Wheatbelt communities.
  • Cranbrook Dam Catchment Improvement
    • Replacement of degraded bitumen in Cranbrook Dam 1 catchment. This has increased the volume of water in the dam by up to 15 ML each year, for agricultural and primary industry use.
  • Wongutha Independent Water Security Pilot
    • Installation of a small-scale, solar powered water reverse osmosis desalination system pilot. This has produced an extra 7.3 ML each year of fresh water for an Aboriginal school and small community.

These projects delivered:

  • at least 450 jobs during construction and 45 ongoing jobs at full operation
  • at least 500 more seasonal jobs at full operation
  • at least 6,500 ML of increased water availability each year
  • 561 hectares of extra irrigable land
  • up to 8 new customers or properties connected to water supply.

Construction of the package was completed in July 2024.

Key project benefits

Increased storage capacity
Water quality
Water security

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