Tasmania map.
Distribution and storage improvements
Estimated cost
$57.2 million
Project status

The Tasmania Connections package is funded by the Australian Government ($20 million), TasWater and other partners ($37.2 million). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

Pipes, workers and crane.

The Tasmania Connections package includes new and extended pipelines, and new and expanding reusable water schemes.

Project overview

Water infrastructure projects under the Tasmania Connections package include new and extended pipelines, and new and expanding reusable water schemes. These projects will increase availability and reliability of water for agricultural producers. These benefits will contribute to delivering secure and affordable water for rural and regional Australia.

Tasmanian water infrastructure projects under the Connections pathway include:

  • Greater Meander Irrigation Scheme Augmentation – project completed
    • Converting supply channels to new and extended pipelines. This will provide 11,000 extra megalitres of water for irrigators.
  • Shellfish Lease Water Quality Improvement Program
    • Upgrading sewage pump stations. Works include upgrading the monitoring and control systems and increasing storage capacity. This will alleviate wastewater overflows and improve water quality to promote shellfish production. The program includes upgrades to the:
      • Silverwater Park Sewage Pump Station
      • Sorell and Midway Point sewerage network
      • Triabunna Sewage Pump Station.
  • Penna Recycled Water Scheme Expansion – project completed
    • Expanding an existing water reuse scheme. This will enable wastewater to be reused. This will increase availability and reliability of water for local agricultural producers.
  • South Arm Recycled Water Pipeline
    • Construction of a new recycled water irrigation pipeline. This will provide high-quality irrigation water to the South Arm Peninsula. It will enable the region’s primary producers to expand operations and transition to higher value agriculture.

It’s expected these projects will deliver:

  • up to 53 jobs during construction and 71 ongoing jobs
  • 295 megalitres in additional storage capacity
  • up to 13 gigalitres per annum of increased water availability
  • up to 2,945 hectares of irrigable land and more than 40 new customers or properties connected to water supply.

Construction on the package is expected to be complete in late 2025.

Key project benefits

Increased storage capacity
Water efficiency
Water quality

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