The project is jointly funded by the Australian Government ($160,000) and Western Australian Government ($70,000). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

The project will build an on-farm scale conventional reverse osmosis desalination unit in a 20-foot sea container.
Project overview
The project will implement a practical pilot demonstration to determine the suitability of using repurposed membranes in water treatment. Membranes result from water and wastewater treatment and end up in landfill.
The pilot will look at using the membranes in a range of varying conditions and locations to treat brackish water in dispersed small:
- communities
- industries
- enterprises
- farms.
The project will also look at reducing the significant waste membranes in water and wastewater treatment processes create.
The project will build an on-farm scale conventional reverse osmosis desalination unit in a 20-foot sea container. The system will be powered via a photovoltaic system and will use membranes from:
- Perth Seawater Desalination Plant
- Southern Seater Desalination Plant.
The system will deliver water fit for purpose for rural, regional and small system implementation.
The project aims to provide a technology and a system template for meeting the energy, water and waste challenges that limits the widespread use of brackish and saline groundwater resources in regional Australia.The Western Australian Government is also contributing $90,000 through in-kind contributions*.
*In-kind contributions are contributions of goods and services and do not contribute to the total project cost.