Packenham, Victoria map.
Recycled water
Cora Lynn and Catani regions
$2.4 million
Project status

The project was jointly funded by the Australian Government ($1.2 million) and other partners ($1.2 million). Australian Government funding was provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

Green crop in foreground with irrigation equipment behind.

The detailed business case will explore how recycled water could support agricultural expansion in the region.

Project overview

The business case was completed in December 2023 and investigated the benefits of augmenting an existing water recycling plant and constructing a distribution network to Cora Lynn and surrounding areas, including:

•    augmenting the existing Pakenham water recycling plant
•    constructing a distribution network to move water from the plant to the Cora Lynn and Catani regions.

The business case identified the preferred option as the Western Port Irrigation Scheme – Construction of Stage 1. If constructed, the project would deliver a new pump station and recycled water pipelines to supply up to 4,000 megalitres per annum of Class A recycled water from the Pakenham Water Recycling Plant to farms across Cora Lynn and Catani.

The proposed project would provide for irrigation of an estimated additional 2,900 hectares of agricultural land, providing recycled water for the region’s high value fresh vegetable crops. 

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