The project is jointly funded by the Australian Government ($200,000) and NSW Government and Orange City Council ($200,000). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

The preliminary business case will explore the feasibility and benefits of constructing a purified recycled water treatment demonstration plant and learning centre in Orange NSW.
Project overview
Population growth, tourism, mining and agribusiness are all expected to increase pressure on Orange’s water supply. The business case will explore the potential of purified recycled water to address long-term water security issues in Orange.
The project will explore the feasibility and benefits of:
- an advanced Water Treatment Plant alongside an existing Wastewater Treatment Plant
- a Demonstration Plant with capacity of 3.5 megalitres/day which can be expanded in the future
- an integral community education centre for community and stakeholder engagement.
Purified recycled water can provide an environmentally and economically sustainable solution and deliver long-term water security for regional communities.
The demonstration plant and business case work support the Australian Government’s commitment to the reuse of resources and materials, reflecting the focus on circular economy and nature positive initiatives across Australia.