The project is jointly funded by the Australian Government ($30 million), the Queensland Government ($40.4 million) and other partners ($17.8 million). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

The new pipeline will connect Mount Morgan’s water supply to the Rockhampton water supply network.
Project overview
This project will construct a new pipeline to connect Mount Morgan’s water supply to the Rockhampton water supply network.
The pipeline will support water security for the regional town of Mount Morgan, which is near Rockhampton in Central Queensland. Having reliable drinking water will help the town to grow and provide development opportunities for its community.
Mount Morgan has experienced severe water shortages on several occasions over the last 20 years. A secure water supply will increase the community’s long term resilience to climate change, particularly future periods of drought.
Mount Morgan’s existing water supply, Dam No. 7, is expected to be retained as a water supply and local recreation spot for the region.
The project includes:
- construction of a 28 km water pipeline from Gracemere to Mount Morgan
- upgrade of the pump station at Gracemere
- construction of a new reservoir and a new pump station at Lucas Street, Gracemere
- construction of a new pump station and reservoir halfway along the pipeline route at Moonmera.
Construction is expected to be complete in mid- to late 2025, weather permitting.
Key project benefits
Learn more
- Read the announcement of Australian Government funding for Mount Morgan.
- Learn more about the National Water Grid Fund as our primary program for responsible investment in water projects.
- Learn about Water in Australia and how we are working within a unique water environment.