The project was being funded by the Australian Government ($470,000) and other partners ($30,000). Australian Government funding was provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

McLaren Vale is one of Australia's most well recognised wine regions. This project would provide extra water security to many of the state's vineyards.
Project overview
The project investigated the construction of a new reservoir with a storage capacity of up to 1,350 megalitres (ML).
Upgrades to the recycled water network were also explored, which would help meet the high irrigation demand of the region. This would be achieved by supplying an estimated 750 ML of recycled water to the area.
The detailed business case:
• assessed local demand
• undertook site investigations and geotechnical analysis
• developed infrastructure concept designs.
This project was completed in August 2024.
Learn more
- Find out more about water in Australia.
- Discover our Science program.
- See what other project is happening in the McLaren Vale region.