NSW map.jpg
Research and planning
Estimated cost
Project status

This project was jointly funded by the Australian Government ($140,000) and the NSW Government ($60,000). Australian Government funding was provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

A close up of leafless winter crops of grapes in Mudgee with a hill and blue sky in the background.

This detailed desktop study will map opportunities for MAR across NSW.

Project overview

Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is the intentional recharge of water into groundwater aquifers for recovery or environmental benefit. It can improve water security and provide a drought reserve, as water stored underground won’t evaporate like water stored in surface dams.

This detailed desktop study mapped opportunities for MAR across New South Wales (NSW). The project built on CSIRO’s previous rapid appraisal of managed aquifer recharge opportunities.

MAR infrastructure has the potential to improve water security. It can build resilience for existing water users, including communities.

Goals of the assessment

This project aimed to progress opportunities for MAR to increase water security in suitable locations in NSW. It provides a step between the previous national overview and a more detailed investigation of suitable locations for MAR.

Outputs of the assessments included:

  • maps of region-specific MAR opportunities
  • regional-scale estimates of likely recharge, storage and recovery potential
  • prioritised lists and hotspot maps of areas with most potential to guide future site-specific detailed investigations MAR scheme feasibility and viability
  • data and metadata supporting the map products, to be published where licencing allows
  • an accompanying technical report and plain English summary document explaining the study.

Key project benefits

Climate change resilience
Drought resilience
Water security