The project was funded by the Australian Government ($24 million). The Australian Government funding was provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

The business case included detailed geotechnical and cultural heritage assessments, an environmental impact report and engineering analysis for a potential Hells Gates Dam.
Project overview
The project completed the detailed business case for a potential Hells Gates Dam. It included:
- detailed geotechnical and cultural heritage assessment
- an environmental impact report
- engineering analysis.
The business case assessed the Hells Gates Dam Scheme, including:
- 3 downstream irrigation weirs
- a new weir at Big Rocks, in northern Queensland.
The Australian Government is committed to responsible investment in water infrastructure, based on scientific evidence and business cases that stack up economically and environmentally. A review of the detailed business case for the Hells Gates Dam determined that a dam at Hells Gates is not deliverable. The review also determined potential for significant environmental and First Nations cultural impacts.
The Big Rocks Weir project is proceeding separately. The Australian Government has made a commitment to the construction of the Big Rocks Weir.
The Hells Gates Dam detailed business case was completed in September 2022.
Learn more
- Further information is available on the North Queensland Water Infrastructure Authority projects page.
- Find out more about the Big Rocks Weir project.
- Read our latest news.
- Read about how our funding decisions are made.