map of Western Australia
Research and planning
Statewide, Western Australia
Estimated cost
$2 million
Project status

The project is funded by the Australian Government ($1 million) and Western Australian Government ($1 million). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

A bore sitting on an aged concrete pad with grey pipes running between the top of the bore and the ground beside it. A green shed and tractor sits in the background with scrubby bush behind them. Everything is sitting on and surrounded by red dirt.

Water infrastructure in remote Aboriginal communities across Western Australia will be assessed. Image credit: Water Corporation

Project overview

This project will assess water infrastructure in at least 48 Aboriginal communities. This will provide a better understanding of:

  • the condition of the infrastructure
  • the work needed to meet community needs and drinking water guidelines
  • how urgent the work is.

The completed assessments are already being used to plan for future upgrades.

On-Country engagement with communities plays a key role in this project. The Water Corporation is collecting information on community views, priorities and aspirations.

This project supports the Australian Government’s commitment to Close the Gap on water security in First Nations communities.

The project is expected to be completed in mid-2025.