map of Western Australia with a pin point indicating Burringgurrah.
Alternate and emerging options
Burringurrah, Gascoyne region
Estimated cost
$2.54 million
Project status

The project is jointly funded by the Australian Government ($1.27 million) and Western Australian Government ($1.27 million). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund Science Program.

An image of Mount Augustus in Western Australia desert.

If successful, similar systems could be replicated in other remote First Nations communities.

Project overview

This project is a pilot to test the economic, environmental and technical viability of a water treatment unit in the remote First Nations community of Burringurrah. The treatment unit removes heavy metal and nitrate from water. The unit being piloted is the Beta Generation 2 water treatment unit.

Poor water quality fit for drinking is an ongoing issue for regional, remote and First Nations Communities.

It can lead to severe health impacts and consequences especially for First Nations communities.

The pilot involves the design, deployment and commissioning of the treatment unit within the existing water supply systems to test for reliability and efficiency.

Over a test period of 3 months, the project will report on:

  • reliability
  • how operating and maintenance costs could be reduced if the technology is used elsewhere in future.

If successful, similar systems could be replicated in other remote First Nations communities.

This project supports the Australian Government’s commitment to Close the Gap.

Key project benefits

First Nations access
Technology development
Water quality
Water security

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