The project is jointly funded with a current commitment by the Australian Government ($38 million) and the Queensland Government ($30 million). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

The construction of Big Rocks Weir will increase water security for irrigators and the local community.
Project overview
The Big Rocks Weir project includes the construction of a new 10 gigalitre weir approximately 26 km north of Charters Towers in northern Queensland.
This additional water will support the development of up to 5,000 hectares of land for high-value agricultural purposes and will support improved agricultural output in the region. It will deliver water security to create opportunities to transition to high-value perennial crops such as table grapes, avocados and mangoes.
The ability for farmers to transition to high-value agriculture will increase the region’s annual agricultural revenue and support jobs growth.
Big Rocks Weir is expected to provide additional water storage in the Charters Towers region, supporting further development of irrigated agriculture and providing greater security of supply of water for Charters Towers.
The Big Rocks Weir detailed business case was completed in August 2020. Planning work, including environmental approval, is continuing.
Key project benefits
Learn more
- Learn more about the National Water Grid Fund as our primary program for responsible investment in water projects.
- Learn about water in Australia and how we are working within a unique water environment.
- More information about Big Rocks Weir Project can be found on the Queensland State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning site.