This project is funded by the Australian Government ($7.1 million), with the Northern Territory Government supporting the project’s delivery. Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund Science Program.

This project includes preconstruction works for the Adelaide River (pictured) Off-Stream Water Storage project.
Project overview
The Northern Territory Government is developing a water allocation plan for the Adelaide River Catchment. This includes, but is not limited to, the water that is stored and used as part of the Darwin Water Supply Infrastructure Program (Stage 1).
Water allocation plans set out the objectives, rules and strategies, and monitoring and performance indicators for the water resource. They aim to maximise environmental, economic, social and cultural outcomes for the water resource. Plans are applied in areas where there are more complex opportunities or emerging competition for water extraction. It is important to have a plan in place for Darwin’s future water supply needs.
Goals of the assessment
This project aims to support a water allocation plan for the Adelaide River Catchment.
The plan will establish the estimated sustainable yield, which sets out how much water can be used and how it will be allocated to different uses.
Research in this project will also provide information to support surface water harvesting decisions in this catchment.
The assessment will, provide the information needed to develop a water allocation plan that:
- sets the estimated sustainable yield of the ground and surface water resources for the Adelaide River catchment
- identifies and protects the environmental water requirements of water dependent ecosystems, and the First Nations values associated with the water
- ensures security of supply for future public water supply, rural stock and domestic purposes
- provides access to water resources to support local First Nations economic development via an Aboriginal Water Reserve
- provides access to water to support ecologically sustainable regional economic development
- ensures enough quality water is available to support recreation activities and community services.
Environmental and cultural considerations
The project involves consultation with First Nations communities to establish cultural and environmental water requirements.
About the Adelaide River
The Adelaide River is in the Litchfield National Park in the Northern Territory. It runs over 238 km and the catchment area is 7,640 km 2. It includes 8 waterways including Coomalie Creek, Margaret River and Marrakai Creek.
The Northern Territory Government, Department of Lands, Planning and Environment is also contributing $750,000 through in-kind contributions*.
* In-kind contributions are contributions of goods and services and do not contribute to the total project cost.
Key project benefits
Learn more
- Learn more about our Science Program.
- Read about the Catchment yield science project.
- Read about the Future hydroclimatic systems impact assessment.