This project is jointly funded by the Australian Government ($941,567) and the New South Wales Government ($400,000). Australian Government funding is provided through the National Water Grid Fund.

This assessment will identify groundwater connectivity and flow paths from the recharge areas of the NSW Great Artesian Basin into the deeper buried sections.
Project overview
Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) infrastructure has the potential to improve water security. It builds resilience for existing water users, including communities. This assessment will identify groundwater connectivity and flow paths from the recharge areas of the New South Wales (NSW) Great Artesian Basin (GAB) into the deeper buried sections.
Goals of the assessment
The outcomes of this work will inform groundwater management decisions. This includes how much capacity there is to release additional access to GAB groundwater. These decisions need to ensure that they do not jeopardise the security of existing water supply infrastructure of the GAB.
This project includes a detailed desktop study to advance possible large scale agricultural MAR schemes in irrigation areas of NSW. The first phase includes a preliminary desktop analysis of existing evidence, building on opportunities identified by CSIRO’s rapid appraisal research.
Key project benefits
Learn more
- Learn more about our Science Program.
- Read about improving understanding of groundwater sustainability using isotope hydrochemistry.
- Read about the contemporary technical, feasibility and economic viability of the Bradfield Scheme.