Business Case for new recycled water supply at McLaren Vale

10 March 2022

The Australian Government is to examine the possibility of constructing a new reservoir that could hold up to 1,350 megalitres of recycled water for South Australia’s McLaren Vale district.

If viable, the McLaren Vale Irrigation Water Security project could deliver an estimated 750 megalitres of new water allocations for irrigation in the region, helping businesses grow and supporting jobs.

Upgrades to increase the capacity of the Willunga Basin Water’s existing recycled water network will also be considered.

The detailed business case for the McLaren Vale Irrigation Water Security project will undertake demand studies, network modelling, concept design, site investigations and geotechnical analysis.

The business case is expected to cost $500,000, with the Australian Government providing $470,000 towards the business case and the remaining $30,000 coming from the South Australian Government and other partners.

The business case is expected to be completed later this year.