Green light for 10 new First Nations projects in the Territory
New and upgraded water bores for Northern Territory First Nations communities are one step closer thanks to a joint $34.3 million funding injection.
The Australian and Northern Territory governments have joined forces to fund work to make this a reality.
The Better Bores for Communities – Phase 1 package consists of bore drilling or equipping projects across 10 communities.
These communities have a high to extreme risk of water source failure. This means the communities could run out of water or sources can become unusable.
Source failure may be caused by bores having declining performance or being contaminated due to damaged parts. Some borefields are unable to meet dry season demands.
The 10 communities the projects will take place in are:
- Atitjere (also known as Harts Range)
- Wugularr
- Finke (also known as Aputula)
- Gapuwiyak
- Haasts Bluff
- Hermannsburg (also known as Ntaria)
- Robinson River (also known as Mungoorbada)
- Titjikala
- Warruwi
- Yuelamu.
Some projects will focus on investigative work and others on equipping bores that already exist.
Seven of the projects will involve drilling bores and testing water source viability. If successful, they may be equipped in a later phase of work.
Three communities will have previously drilled bores equipped. This will include construction of mains and supporting electrical work to connect the bores to the water supply systems.
These works can lead to a range of benefits, including:
- supporting liveability
- enabling new development
- development and expansion of services and facilities
- supporting First Nations people to live on Country
- supporting adaption and resilience to changing climate conditions.
The Australian Government contributed $27.8 million towards this project. The Northern Territory Government contributed $6.5 million towards this project.